Executive Security

Top cloud space service in security


A fragment has no continuous information and the spatial protection that is exponentially difficult to explore by an adversary.


Fragments look like random symbols and they are independent of each other that protects your data and user privacy.

Data Assurance

Fragments are intelligent with the ability of self-protection and self-healing functions.

01. Worry-free on Data Confidentiality

NXDrive provides leading capability of protecting your data confidentiality.

Suppose decrypting a 256-bit encrypted file is 1 hour by a supercomputer. Our technology can make the time to millions of years, supposing the same supercomputer is used for decryption. NXdrive effectively defends the data brute-force attack by adding data spatial properties on the data storage. Spatial protection is integrated with encryption as an additional fence against unauthorized users to access the data assets.

02. Worry-free on Data Breach

NXDrive excels in defending against data breach which is one of the major cyber security threats of the online data storage.

Data breach is a very challenging problem regarding the data storage. For example, an attacker invades the data storage server or a computer system and steals the information of interest. The disclosure of sensitive information results in financial or other damages. NXDrive is a system that adds permutations on the data fragments such that the each fragment looks the same on the data storage. In other words, the data content is not recognized for an unauthorized data access. Therefore, no valuable information is disclosed to hackers even if they steal a number of data fragments.

03. Worry-free on Data Privacy

NXDrive protects the data privacy, having the unique abilities to disable a number of semantic analyzing tools that targets for your data privacy.

NXdrive provides worry-free on data privacy which is unique to other data storage systems. In a file-based storage system, the data on the storage disclose the data ownership, time, data types, and other personal information. Currently, there are a number of tools that can scan your data to infer data privacy information for many purposes. NXdrive innovatively stops privacy scanning over your data in the storage server. It effectively decouples the data ownership and other data private information from the data content such that the user privacy is protected.

04. Worry-free on Data Loss

NXDrive has robust self-generation capabilities that prevent the loss of any data pieces.

NXdrive prevents data loss that could be caused by cyber-attacks, software malfunctions, or hardware damages. At first, the loss of any data pieces discloses no information of data content. On the other hand, NXDrive has superior ability to maintain data assurance and integrity. Further, NXDrive has effective self-generation capability and it can immediately regenerate new data pieces that can replace the user data. The capability of regeneration is superior to the RAID 6 standard level that achieves higher data reliability.

05. Worry-free on Device Loss

Automated data protection prevents data disclosure or loss that could be caused by device loss or device failures.

NXdrive enforces novel technologies for data integrity and assurance in the device level to protect data loss caused by device damage or loss. In the file-based storage system, the loss of a device could result in corresponding data loss and data leakage stored in its hardware. Differently, NXDriver stores the data without relying on a specific device, having data loss protection capabilities. The loss of one or more devices renders no risk in the data loss and information leakage.

06. Worry-free on Data Insiders

NXdrive prevents insiders by advanced features of distributed authentication and authorizations for data management.

NXdrive minimizes the risks caused data insiders. In the file-based storage system, the system manager can access the storage devices and is able to review, copy, or other ways to manipulate the data. Differently to the traditional way, the system maintenance in fragment-based data storage is oriented to devices in a way that individual maintenance engineers are unable to know the data content even if they access to the data storage devices. In this way, the risk imposed by data insiders can be effectively reduced.

07. Worry-free on Cyber Attacks

NXDrive has fine grained security to prevent the data sabotage from potential cyber attacks.

NXdrive protects the stored data in the system from internal or external sabotage. Other security strategies include access controls, flow policies, system controls, data dependency validation, query protection, cache protection, session protection, and cryptographic key protection. All these strategies are integrated with fragment-based data storage to enable data access ubiquitously while the whole data security requirements are satisfied.

" ... NXdrive would be revolutionary, not just for security and privacy, but for the efficiency and resiliency of storage as a whole. "