Backup your files safely

Do you want better confidentiality of your data when you backup your data into a cloud?

NXdrive (NeXt Drive) renovates your online data backup to the highest level of security and privacy protection. It backups a file as multiple encrypted fragments over different places as secrets, instead of storing it as a traditional file on a server.

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Fragment Security Complexity 99990000 It is estimated as the increase in security compared to the encryption-only storage.

NXdrive: Securely Backup Your Data Online

Higher the Confidentiality, Higher the Privacy, Higher the Availability

Sign up for free (up to 15 G free secure space)

Get started with NXdrive

Protect your personal or business secrets with confidentiality and privacy!

Your documents are fragmented, encrypted, and mutated to boost your data protection into a higher level.


Fortifies the Data Asset with FESMA Philosophy


Fragment documents into random pieces and a fragment discloses no information


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Encrypt documents in multiple levels with satisfaction of federal requirements

Shell Game

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Play "three shells and a pea" game for saving a document in multiple storage places


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Mutate documents as random symbols on storage and dynamically distribute them

Access Control

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Authenticate the access request to retrieve the documents under right privileges

A data digital Shell Game a.k.a., moving target defense, protects your data and user privacy!
NXdrive stores your data files in a dynamic moving storage space, instead of static data storage.

Get started with NXdrive

Share your personal and business data information with confidentiality protection.

Features to save your time for data backup and sharing

Who uses NXdrive

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confidentiality Personal

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Sharing Group

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Privacy Family

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Efficiency Business


Makes Security Stronger